Share your stories and memories about the FPC Meetinghouse Steeple.

First Parish Steeple Stories

With the recent work underway on the meetinghouse tower, the church's Historic Preservation Committee invites First Parish Church and community members to share stories or memories related to the steeple (or weathervane, or bell, or clock, etc.).

By completing and submitting this form (or the paper form available at church), your story will be shared with those interested in our history today, and preserved in our archives for future scholarly and educational purposes in the future.

Some suggestions: 

  • Did you work on a project relating to the church tower or steeple? 
  • Can you share a time when a view of the tower was significant to you? 
  • Have you climbed up the stairs of the tower? 
  • Do you have a memory of the clock or bell or weathervane?    

If you have any questions or would prefer to do a video interview, please talk with committee members Nancy or Paul ( Otherwise ... tell us your story!

TERMS — I hereby grant to First Parish Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, East Derry, NH (hereinafter “FPC”), the ownership of this form with the written account that I wrote and I agree that FPC may use, display, reproduce, and prepare derivative works from my story for scholarly, educational, and other purposes. By giving permission, I understand that I do not give up any copyright or performance rights that I may hold.