300th Activities at Londonderry Old Home Day
The 120th annual Old Home Day Celebration takes place August 14–18, 2019. This hugely-popular event gets an historic theme for this year, part of the tricentennial founding celebrations of the summer-long Nutfield 300th.
Activities of special historic interest mainly take place on Saturday, August 17:
Windham and Londonderry 300th coins will be available at Londonderry Old Home Day. (A Derry coin is coming soon.)
The Old Home Day Parade runs down Mammoth Rd. from 10:15–11:45. It will feature trolley cars carrying descendents of early Nutfield families and other significant Londonderry family representatives. If you’re a descendant and would like to ride in the parade, please email your family and contact info to parade@nutfieldhistory.org so we can make room for you, and send you participation details.
Two of the booths on the Common (11:00am–4:00pm) have historic info and fun:
Stop by the Nutfield 300th Booth (#44) to learn about our shared founding story and purchase mementoes including the special commemorative 300th coins.
Visit the Friends of the Meetinghouse Booth (#43) to learn about and support the historic preservation effort underway to preserve this 1769 building on the site where Nutfield was founded.
The Londonderry Historical Society has a wonderful set of demonstrations and activities happening at the nearby Morrison House Museum, including tours, artisan demos, military reenactors, and a genealogist who’s a leading expert on the original and successive Nutfield family histories.
Read more about the Morrison House Museum activities and schedule below, and be sure to stop by and participate!
Celebrate Old Home Day at the Morrison House Museum!
From Ann Chiampa and Kay Webber, Co-Chairs, Londonderry Historical Society, 300th Anniversary of Nutfield/Old Home Day Celebration
Step back in time to the 1700s with us at the LONDONDERRY HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S MORRISON HOUSE MUSEUM on Old Home Day as we really celebrate the 300th Anniversary of Nutfield the historic way!
On our grounds you’ll be able to interact with many colonial craftsmen and women of the 1700s, see period animals at work, listen to the music of NHSCOT bagpipers and then take a Bagpipe TRY-IT class, enjoy delicious pulled pork, corn-on-the-cob, watermelon and a cool drink at our Pig Roast, and visit the Military encampment of the 1st New Hampshire Regiment which will offer cooking demonstrations, colonial games, children’s musket drills and of course, the traditional cannon firings.
Also take a tour of our c.1840 R.P. Clark & Son Blacksmiths shop and the c.1859 Parmenter Barn, and while visiting the c.1760 Morrison House Museum, see our newest display and query a noted genealogist!
Come see us all at 140 Pillsbury Road!
Traditional Craftspeople Live from 10:00am–4:00pm
Rope Maker: Bill Wasson, a retired naval officer and captain of sailing and commercial vessels, is an accomplished rope maker and rigger who will interpret the craft and demonstrate his talents with a 50’ long rope-making rig he created, while engaging help from his willing audience.
Cooper: Ron Raiselis, Strawbery Bank’s resident Master Cooper is considered to be one of the finest craft interpreters in the country, with work in major museums and private collections. He is one of the few coopers (wooden barrel makers) active in the United States. He’ll demonstrate his skills for our visitors and you’ll see why his barrels are also in high demand among the brewers of today!
Millinery Arts: Tara Raiselis, a devotee of needlework and women’s wear of the 18th century, is an accomplished needlewoman and well-known director of a museum in Maine. She brings her extensive knowledge of textiles and many wonderful examples of the millinery arts to engage you.
Photo of Larry Leonard in acrion from https://belmont.wickedlocal.com/photogallery/WL/20180430/NEWS/430009997/PH/1
Tinsmith: Larry Leonard, a fine colonial craftsman, will demonstrate tinsmithing for our guest and might even ask you to help him, offering you a hammer if you’re so inclined to try! He’ll also present a wide variety of tinware used in the 18th and 19th century New England homes. Do you have any tinware in your home? Cookie cutters or a lantern, perhaps?
Surgeon: Need an aching tooth or a musket ball removed? Colonial surgeon Greg Morin might offer aid and will describe in detail his extensive display of medical instruments as well as the treatment methods used on his patients during the late 18th century. His explanations are intricately researched and his engaging portrayal of this colonial surgeon may find you with many questions, speechless, or running for the hills!
Photo of Daniel LaCroix from http://www.strawberybanke.org/events/NH-fall-festival.cfm.
Planer and Joyner: Join Daniel LaCroix at his workbench and watch this consummate wood-worker give a hands-on demonstration of plane making and period joinery while explaining his tools and techniques. His work is prized by re-enactors and also museums for their collections and the architectural woodwork he incorporates into their buildings.
Washerwoman: Jennifer Roy goes deep into character as an indentured servant trying to pay off her passage to America. Keeping her large wash pot boiling, she continues her chores while interacting with the public, discussing her life in vivid detail, revealing the hardships that she and so many others endured for the sake of freedom.
Horn Smith: Skilled in the ancient craft of working with horn, Charles Walker demonstrates how horn was turned into many useful colonial items such as combs, cups, knives, spoons, cooking items and, of course, powder horns. It was also used in lanterns, being valued for its translucency before the widespread use of glass. Don’t forget to see the charmingly inscribed version of a young child’s school tablet he’ll display on Old Home Day!
Corn Husk Doll Maker: Bill Jennison, a longtime re-enactor, engages children of all ages in the craft of corn husk doll making. Children in both Native American and Colonial families, wherever corn was grown as a crop, used the natural dried husk of the corncob to fashion dolls. Join in on this understated, simple craft which has been an Old Home Day favorite of our visitors over the years at the Morrison House Museum.
Flax Processing: Peter Cook, a retired museum curator, is a specialist in pre-industrial textile technology. He will demonstrate and interpret the complete processing of flax from field to spun fiber in the making of linen. Nutfield was founded 300 years ago by Scots-Irish who brought with them the knowledge of linen making, and this heritage craftsman will include all the labor-intensive processes that that involved entire households in producing home-spun linen.
Weaver: Cathy Goodman is highly experienced in period weaving and spinning and uses original source materials in her detailed demonstrations. Her research for accuracy is extensive and her beautiful display of finished woven work will also include information as to the origins her designs.
Basket Maker: Karen Ziino works with a variety of natural materials to make baskets of historical and regional significance. She weaves many specialized forms such as the colonial market basket, egg baskets, those for use in the garden and the rattan Nantucket lightship basket.
Richard Wright, blacksmith. Photo from: https://www.sentinelsource.com/elf/by_hand_by_hobby/fire-hammer/article_771098d0-3c60-11e9-ab00-3fdb821731e1.html
Blacksmith: Richard Wright, the Smith River Smithy, is noted for his quality hand forged classics and museum quality reproductions. This former Londonderry resident has been actively involved in colonial living history and has volunteered at various museums around New England. He now has his own blacksmith shop, with his main focus on colonial hardware. However, he says,” You never know where the hammer will take you.” Well, we do know he’ll becoming back to Londonderry with his forge and hammers and we’re very excited that he’ll bring the colonial blacksmithing trade to life again with the R.P. Clark & Son Blacksmiths at the Morrison House Museum during this celebration of Nutfield’s 300th!
Gunsmith: This historical reenactor David Welch has been coming to the Morrison House Museum on Old Home day for many years as a Lieutenant with Captain Morrill’s Company, then with Dearborn’s Company, usually behind the cannon. We’re so glad he’ll be returning this year, now in his role as Gunsmith, and sharing his extensive knowledge of historic armament, long guns and artillery and bringing along some fine examples of muzzleloaders and muskets.
Sheep Herding: Tim and Lisa Molinaro, owners of Heartstone Farm, will bring a rare flock of Gulf Coast Native Sheep to our 300th Celebration. The sheep, a heritage breed, will be herded by working Border Collies at Shepherd Tim’s command. Lisa will narrate the action as the sheep move from pen to pen. Some shearing is also planned.
Animal Handler, Artisan Steward: Jones Gallagher, a self-sustaining farmer, animal handler and set up man, “Jonesy” will circulate on the grounds to give additional support to the animal handlers and the colonial artisans during the day. Feel free to ask him any questions you may have when you see him!
The Morrison House Museum Building Tours, noon to 3:00pm
Come visit the historic c.1760 Morrison House Museum, c.1840 R.P. Clark & Son Blacksmiths shop and c.1859 Parmenter Barn on this 300th Anniversary of Nutfield Celebration! On land generously donated by Andy Mack Sr. in 1990, these buildings, originally situated in other areas of town and slated for demolition, have all been saved by the Historical Society and moved, or taken down and moved to this beautiful property surrounded by the apple trees of Moose Hill Orchards.
Inside the Museum will be a new display that features the donation of treasured family heirlooms by two Wallace family cousins that were at our 2nd Annual Antiques Appraisal Day back in May. We’re excited about their donation and the extensive historical research that has been conducted since receiving it. We can’t wait for those two Wallace family descendants to unveil this wonderful display of Londonderry history for public viewing on Old Home Day!
Heather Rojo, Genealogist: from noon to 2:00pm
Well known for her Genealogy Blog, “Nutfield Genealogy,” now in its 10th year, Heather will be situated inside the Morrison House Museum from noon to 2:00pm to help you with your genealogical queries or point you in the right direction as how you may best use your time to find answers. Heather has been conducting genealogy research for the last 35 years and is proud of her heritage as a Mayflower descendant.
NHSCOT Bagpipe TRY-IT: From noon – 1:00pm.
Ever want to learn to play the BAGPIPE? After the ‘Pipes and Drums of NHSCOT’ march in the OHD parade, some members of the group will come down to the Morrison House Museum grounds and after playing a few tunes for our visitors, will offer a fantastic BAGPIPE TRY-IT class to 12 lucky individuals (first come, first served!) who may have an interest in learning to play the bagpipe. It’s a FREE 45-minute class, open to both youths and adults!
The Pipes & Drums of NH SCOT (https://nhscot.org/pipeband/)
The Pipes and Drums of NHSCOT is a group organized to “help build the next generation of Pipes and Drummers in support of our mission to preserve and promote Scottish culture for future generations.”
NHSCOT is “dedicated to the furtherance of dance, music, athletics and customs of the Scottish people and the continuance of the Gaelic culture.” They organize the annual ‘NEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHLAND GAMES & FESTIVAL’ at Loon Mountain, this year on September 20-22.
1st New Hampshire Regiment:
Encampment from 10am-4:00pm;
Cannon firing from 12:00pm-4:00pm.
It wouldn’t be Old Home Day at the Morrison House Museum without a military encampment and live cannon firings! Come join this American Revolutionary War reenactment group from 10:00am to 4:00pm as the women in camp give cooking demonstrations, offer young visitors colonial games to play, and run the day-to day operations of this 1770’s encampment. Their Men at Arms will return to camp after marching in the OHD parade and will encourage children who visit the encampment to “Train and Drill” with them. Of course, the Regiment will be giving demonstrations throughout the afternoon and firing their muskets and loading and firing their trusty canon hourly, with a big finish during the last hour.
Their background: the First New Hampshire Regiment reenactment group was founded in 1973. They’re based on the original Regiment, created by the Provincial Government of New Hampshire on May 22, 1775, that fought in many battles during the War for Independence. The first commander of the original regiment was Londonderry’s Colonel John Stark.
Enjoy a lunch of pulled pork, corn-on-the-cob, watermelon and a cool drink on a wonderful day celebrating Nutfield’s 300th at the Londonderry Historical Society’s Morrison House Museum! What could be better! Londonderry resident Eric Turcotte, a good friend of the Historical Society and owner of ‘Turcotte Tree Service’ is actually donating the pig, having it prepared, and is roasting it starting Friday night, on site, to be ready at lunchtime for our guests on Old Home Day. We can’t thank Eric Turcotte enough for his generosity!
Please come and support the Londonderry Historical Society and enjoy this wonderful meal for a suggested donation of $5 to go towards needed repairs to our buildings, especially the Morrison House roof and entry.
Finally, on this historic 300th Anniversary of Nutfield, we hope all our efforts put forth to preserve the History of Londonderry over the years show how much we care about this town, and we offer our heartfelt gratitude in appreciation of all the kindness and incredible support of the wonderful residents of Londonderry! Thank you all!
Ann Chiampa and Kay Webber, Co-Chairs
Londonderry Historical Society – 300th Anniversary of Nutfield/Old Home Day Celebration