Founders Weekend Worship Services
First Parish Congregational Church UCC will host two special Founders Day services on Sunday. (Other area houses of worship may have their own special morning services as well.) Both will take place in Courier Hall at First Parish.
Some of these pastors from Rev. MacGregor in 1719 through 1993 may not make it, but several recent First Parish pastors will be joining the Founders Day celebration.
Founders Day Morning Worship Service
Several of the former pastors of First Parish Congregational Church, UCC will return for this service. We will give thanks to our faith ancestors who founded this church three centuries ago. Together, we will celebrate communion, complete with an acknowledgement of how our forebears celebrated the sacrament of Communion long ago.
In the historic Presbyterian years, parishioners who could prove themselves worthy in advance would receive a token; placing one’s token in the box was required to receive communion.
Nutfield Ecumenical Service
This community-wide ecumenical and interfaith worship service will be a joyous celebration of thanksgiving. Representatives from many of the houses of worship in the original Nutfield area will be in attendance. We will acknowledge each one, as well as their year of inception.
Te Deum Ecuménico 2009 in the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral, Chile. An ecumenical gathering of clergy from different denominations, from the Wikipedia article on Ecumenism (